Neglect of Probability (Unlikely Connection Between Pigeons and Spectacles)

Neglect of Probability

Our minds try to understand everything in a world of uncertainty and complexity. 

When faced with a choice that could shape your future. Do you go for the sure bet or take a risk?

We are often driven by emotions, intuition, or even sheer ignorance while making choices.

And neglecting probability can lead to misguided expectations and unexpected outcomes.

Read on to know more!

While we like to think of ourselves as rational beings, hidden amidst the depths of our thoughts is something called “Neglect Of Probability” that affects our decision-making. Read on to know more! 

Understanding The “Neglect of Probability”

Neglect of probability is a cognitive phenomenon that occurs when we overestimate the probability of experiencing an unlikely outcome due to our overconfidence and lack of understanding of how probabilities function. 

It’s a form of self-delusion, where we overestimate the likelihood of something working out if only because it will make us feel better – even though the chances are not in our favor. 

Imagine a situation where someone has to decide between two games of chance. In Game A, they have a 50% chance of winning ₹10,000 or winning nothing. In Game B, they have a 25% chance of winning ₹5000 or winning nothing.

Despite the fact that the expected value (the average amount won over many attempts) is lower in Game B compared to Game A. Many people would still choose game B because the potential reward seems higher! However, this overlooks the importance of probabilities and can lead to suboptimal decisions.

Now, let’s consider another scenario, where there is a 10% chance of winning ₹500 or nothing in Game C. In another Game D, there is a 5% chance of winning ₹250 or winning nothing. Interestingly, even though the expected value is higher in Game D, many people would still prefer Game C!

Yet again, you can witness the consequences of disregarding probabilities, often resulting in unfavorable decision-making. Individuals who neglect to factor in probabilities in games of chance are prone to making biased choices and overlooking crucial elements.

Focusing too much on perceived outcomes or potential rewards can result in flawed thinking and suboptimal decision-making.

Exploited And Exploiters 

The typical victims of neglect of probability are those who act on impulse and make decisions without taking the time to analyze the situation, often due to overconfidence or lack of understanding.

Those who take advantage of this bias are usually fraudsters, quacks, or individuals looking to exploit naivety for personal gain.

Day-To-Day Neglect of Probability

  • Believing that you can become an overnight millionaire by investing in a risky asset without doing due diligence or understanding the market.
  • Assuming that lottery tickets will pay off despite the extremely low odds of winning.
  • Thinking that one’s own opinion is always correct and ignoring expert advice or factual data to back it up.
  • Basing decisions on emotions rather than facts and evidence leads to illogical outcomes.

How do we identify we are falling into the trap of “Neglect of Probability”(in cognitive biases)?

To identify if you are falling into the trap of “Neglect of Probability” (in cognitive biases), consider the following:

  • Is the decision based on facts and evidence or solely on emotions?
  • What is the probability of success for this decision?
  • Have qualified experts weighed in on the options?
  • Are there any reliable historical precedents to suggest a similar outcome?
  • Is the decision being made with a long-term vision, or is it short-sighted in nature?
  • Is there enough data available to make an informed decision?

Seven Ways We Can Escape From “Neglect of Probability” (in cognitive biases) Traps For Better Survival?

  • Acknowledge uncertainty – Recognize that there is often a degree of unpredictability in any situation, no matter how certain we may feel.
  • Understand the importance of probabilities – Be mindful of the likelihood of different outcomes and consider the implications each one may have.
  • Consider long-term consequences – weigh up both the short and long-term effects of your decisions rather than only focusing on immediate gains or losses.
  • Seek expert advice – consult reliable sources for data and information about potential risks and rewards before making any major decisions.
  • Take calculated risks – verify as much information as possible to help determine what is most likely to happen before taking action.
  • Practice mental simulation – simulate different scenarios in your own mind to prepare yourself for whatever might occur ahead of time.
  • Keep track of past results – Create a record of past successes and failures so you can observe patterns and decide which strategies are working best for you to improve future decision-making.


Shedding more light on the tendency to neglect of probability: Imagine you’re at a park, enjoying a stroll on a sunny day. Walking along the path, you notice a flock of pigeons gathered around the fountain.

You observe that whenever someone wearing spectacles tosses grains toward the pigeons, one pigeon always catches the largest share of food!

Now, the neglecting of probability starts to begin action on your mind. You think, “Ah, there must be some cosmic connection between eyewear and the birds!” Ignoring more logical explanations, such as the pigeon’s positioning or its quick reflexes, you succumb to this whimsical bias.

In reality,

Probability doesn’t care about fashion or accessories. It doesn’t favor spectacles or any other preferences. It operates solely on chance and statistics, free from personal biases.

Instead of making imaginative assumptions, take a step back, objectively observe, and ask: What are the odds of that particular pigeon getting the most crumbs? Is it truly linked to spectacles or just a delightful coincidence?

One can approach life with a clearer perspective by questioning our biases and seeking a deeper understanding of probability. So, the next time you find yourself entertaining an improbable notion, let probability guide you toward a more informed and rational viewpoint.

After all, life is brimming with fascinating mysteries, and there’s no need to invent unlikely connections!


Paying attention to how you allow bias to enter your everyday lives can help you make better decisions, and who doesn’t want that? So, join me for more on such cognitive tendencies by subscribing to our blog posts.


The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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