Alternative Blindness- And Choosing A Career

Alternative Blindness

Do you get tired of being stuck in the same thought process? 

Have you ever found yourself clinging to one idea, ignoring all the evidence that points in another direction? 

Then it’s time to break free from alternative blindness.

Learn about the cognitive bias of alternative blindness, who is typically affected, how others can utilize it, and tips for avoiding this bias in your own life.

Understanding the “Alternative Blindness” 

Alternative blindness is a cognitive bias when we fail to consider alternative solutions, ideas, or perspectives. This bias can make us blind to potential opportunities and cause us to miss out on the bigger picture. Narrow-mindedness causes us to disregard different scenarios and evidence contradicting our beliefs, resulting in tunnel vision. 

Choosing the right investment option for your money is tough, particularly when considering potential returns. A friend recently found herself in this predicament after receiving her bonus. While seeking advice from a financial expert, she was presented with the classic choice of investing in a policy or taking a chance on the stock market.

However, her curiosity led her to discover alternative options, such as buying gold bonds, investing in land, or playing it safe with a fixed deposit. 

With so many options available, deciding which investment route to take cannot be easy. While policies and fixed deposits offer long-term benefits, the stock market can be a ride on a rollercoaster of risks and rewards. And let’s not forget about the allure of investing in gold.

But could investing in land be the game-changer? So, following Benjamin Franklyn’s advice – “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Ultimately, the decision comes from analysis, research, and expert guidance. Any investment can become a fruitful venture along with some risk tolerance.

Exploited And Exploiters

Alternative blindness typically affects those who are overly certain of their beliefs, don’t consider the bigger picture, and fail to look for alternative solutions. This can cause people to reject evidence that doesn’t match their existing views or fall victim to narrow-minded thinking.

Unfortunately, alternative blindness can be exploited by those who benefit from it. People with an agenda may use this bias to persuade others to believe something without presenting hard facts or evidence. By pandering to individuals’ preexisting beliefs, they can lead them down a path of single-mindedness and avoid considering other angles or options.

Day To Day Alternative Blindness

  • An employee who is so sure their idea is correct that they don’t even consider any alternative solutions.
  • A student who narrows down the list of universities they would like to attend based on prestige alone, without considering how their academic and personal needs might be better served elsewhere.
  • A voter who refuses to vote for any other candidate than their own party’s nominee, regardless of how they stand on certain issues or policies.
  • A patient who chooses not to get a second opinion, despite knowing it, could help them make a more informed decision about their medical treatment plan.

Recognizing When You Are Slipping Into the “Alternative Blindness” Trap

Identifying when we are falling into the trap of alternative blindness is not always easy, especially since it can be so closely related to cognitive bias. Nonetheless, there are certain indicators that you can take heed of.

One indicator is if you consistently make decisions or come to conclusions without considering other options. Additionally, if your thought process feels highly automated and you cannot come up with unique ideas or solutions, this could also indicate that you’re stuck in a cycle of alternative blindness.

Lastly, suppose you’re feeling frustrated and uninspired with the progress of a particular task or project. In that case, it may be time to take a break and reassess from an alternative perspective.

Overcoming the “Alternative Blindness” 

  • Reflect seriously on what you want: Take the time to consider your needs and wants and explore other options before making a decision.
  • Expand your search by exploring various sources: Reading books, articles, blogs, or speaking with knowledgeable people could help widen your perspective.
  • Get informed by reading unbiased reviews: It’s important to gain an unbiased opinion to make well-informed decisions.
  • Set specific evaluation criteria: Creating relevant and measurable criteria allows you to compare different alternatives accurately.
  • Look at the whole picture: Consider all angles of a situation before deciding what is best for you.
  • Seek advice from trusted sources: Here’s where having honest friends that can give sound advice will be beneficial.
  • Listen to yourself: Being mindful of your emotions and intuition are often signs that you’re on track with making wise decisions.

Final Thought

So did you grow up in the ’80s and ’90s? Well, I am sure it felt like everyone’s parents wanted their kids to be either doctors or engineers. But what if your heart sank at the sight of a dissected frog, and you’d faint at the sight of blood? Well then, engineer it was! And the curtain of Alternative Blindness over you! 

But here’s the thing, these career choices were often made for reasons far beyond what was best for us as individuals. It might have been to earn more money or to attain higher status – motivations that we didn’t even comprehend at the time. Well, now fast forward a few years, and we saw an exodus from these professions. 

People who had started out in their so-called “dream jobs” as doctors or engineers were jumping ship to become farmers, finance experts, artists, and even movie stars! It took us a while to realize that so many options were available. That we could follow our passions while leveraging our skills for a fulfilling career. The alternatives were infinite!

So, if you find yourself in a career you don’t love, remember this: You don’t have to stay put. Take stock of your skills and passions, and begin exploring the possibilities. There’s a world of opportunity waiting for you – all you need to do is take that first step! So whether you are making a major life decision or even simply browsing at a store, considering an alternative can lead to huge success – and sometimes even happiness! 

So why not join the movement? Take charge of your own future by subscribing to our newsletter. This way, you can stay informed on how to battle irrational thought patterns and make truly conscious decisions that will further grow you as an individual. Don’t let blind loyalty keep you from having a brighter future – get informed today!


The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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