Intention-To-Treat Error (And The Hypothetical Study On A Hypothetical Fitness Regime)

Hypothetical story of the study on a new exercise regime!  A hypothetical team of researchers set out to explore the effectiveness of a new exercise regimen. So as to improve fitness levels among a hypothetical group. They recruited a diverse group of participants. Each with their own unique stories and challenges. Among the participants was … Read more

Deformation Professionnelle

Once upon a time, a bunch of friends embarked on an epic adventure. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn. As they made their way, fate intervened in the form of a frustrating road jam caused by a dreadful accident. Now, each of these friends had a unique profession, and … Read more

Domain Dependence – Can We Think Out Of The Box?

A clever German Gestalt psychologist, Karl Duncker, coined “functional fixedness.” This term describes the common issue we encounter when perceiving things or solving problems. Where we get stuck in seeing an element of the situation with a fixed function that needs to be changed. It is here, my friend, that the concept of thinking outside … Read more

Not-Invented-Here Syndrome (Myth Of Zealous Persuasion)

Do you want to open new possibilities by recognizing the value of external ideas in driving innovation? Discover the transformative power of external inspiration and collaboration in driving innovation to new heights. Then, you must break free from the confines of internal ideas and tap into the power of diverse knowledge for groundbreaking solutions. How … Read more

Alternative Blindness- And Choosing A Career

Do you get tired of being stuck in the same thought process?  Have you ever found yourself clinging to one idea, ignoring all the evidence that points in another direction?  Then it’s time to break free from alternative blindness. Learn about the cognitive bias of alternative blindness, who is typically affected, how others can utilize … Read more

Inability To Close Doors

We, humans, exhibit a strong bias toward keeping options open at all costs. Psychology professors Dan Ariely and Jiwoong Shin conducted an experiment highlighting this tendency of us humans through a computer game. Here players were faced with the choice of opening doors with potential rewards inside. The study revealed that individuals often prioritize keeping … Read more

Affect Heuristic – Is It OK To Be Emotional?

Once upon a time, a wise king ruled a great kingdom. Though he was well-loved by his people, the king faced a moral dilemma one day. A powerful enemy had attacked the empire, and the king was offered two choices: make peace with the enemy and accept their terms of surrender or fight to the … Read more