Simple Logic (Why One Must Critical Thinking)

Well, here are a few questions for you to ponder. These critical thinking questions (CRT) questions are designed to test your ability to think critically and avoid intuitive and incorrect answers. Take your time to carefully consider each question before settling on a solution. The answers to these will be revealed in the end! Do … Read more

Expectations (A Cautionary Tale of Online Shopping)

Do you often put too much pressure on yourself with unrealistic standards and then feel disappointed when those dreams don’t come true?  We all feel disappointed when reality doesn’t meet our hopes. But your expectations keep preventing you from achieving success.  Well, the line between optimism and expectation can be fine, and all need to … Read more

Twaddle Tendency

We’ve all heard the famous saying, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” But one thing that people must do when they do not know something is simply utter the words “Sorry, I Don’t Know,” rather than create some cock and bull tales that are irrelevant and sometimes make absolutely NO SENSE!  Many of us … Read more

Decision Fatigue : Juggling Responsibilities

The life of a woman – A true juggler of responsibilities. Balancing a career, motherhood, and family obligations is a challenging feat. It is a constant game of weighing the pros and cons of each decision. Stay late at work to meet deadlines or risk missing a family get-together?  Give equal attention to each child … Read more

‘Because’ Justification

Is it right to make excuses for unjust behavior toward others? For instance, one might argue that domestic abuse is acceptable “because it’s a private matter” or that elder abuse is excusable “because they’re weak.”   Can people rob others and illtreat them just because they can?  Aren’t these justifications illogical and dangerous?  Mustn’t we challenge … Read more

Cognitive Dissonance

Ever wonder why you convince yourself that eating a whole pizza in one sitting is a good idea, even though you know it’s not? Or Wondered if it was a blessing in disguise you dint crack the entrance exams …Or  Convinced yourself if it is alright not to be an early riser and follow a … Read more

Beginner’s Luck (Amateur Cook Wins The Best Chef Title!)

What is familiar with a rookie investor’s six-figure return in 2 months on a speculative technology venture, a newbie model’s impromptu photoshoot making it to the cover story of a popular magazine, and an inexperienced programmer creating the latest revolutionary app?  Well, they are recipients of what is commonly referred to as Beginner’s Luck!  Are … Read more

Hedonic Treadmill (Happiness Fostering Furries)

Meet Mr. Rao, the high achiever who seemingly has it all — a prestigious job, academic success, and career milestones to boot. Yet, something’s still missing. Despite all of his accomplishments, He can’t shake off his feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. It’s like he’s stuck on a hamster wheel, running laps with no way to … Read more

Framing (Limited Stock Only!)

In the world of news, truth, and objectivity have taken a backseat to pushing political agendas. Here, NEWS channels pretend to be just stating the facts without bias or slant. But the truth is, they are masters of manipulation to shape public opinion. Here it is for you to see! How information can get framed … Read more