Ambiguity Aversion-Why He Refuses To Get Promoted?

Can a fear of the unknown lead individuals towards conventional medicine over alternative therapies? What factors contribute to individuals’ reluctance to try a new taste or cuisine? Can a fear of the unknown impact our willingness to travel to unfamiliar destinations? Why do people often choose familiar paths and avoid taking risks regarding career decisions? … Read more

The Problem With Averages (Don’t Rely On The Movie Rating)

Do you believe that relying on average scores alone is an accurate way to evaluate employee productivity? Are you tired of using average data to make important business decisions? Is using averages as the sole customer satisfaction metric enough to understand their needs truly? How often do you come into situations where individual experiences vastly … Read more

Base-Rate Neglect – Up to 50% off!

Imagine you have developed rashes on your hands and feet. So whom would you go to for a diagnosis?  When we need to make serious decisions, how much is based on actual research and facts? Or do we go with the gut instinct that often leads us down a dangerous path? The answer might surprise … Read more

Coincidence – Is It Luck By Chance?

How do these events seem to you; 1) Bumping into an old friend that you haven’t seen in years in the ice cream parlor thrice in a row? Is it true what they say about the universe conspiring in our favor – who knew you’d run into each other here?” And 2) Winning a holiday … Read more

Regression To Mean

Have you ever noticed that things tend to even out the next time after an exceptionally good or bad day? Why do we tend to think that a lucky streak will continue or that a losing streak is doomed to last forever? Have you ever experienced a drastic improvement in your performance on a task, … Read more

Feature-Positive Effect – What’s Similar?

Look closely; can you tell how the words in the series are connected?  Hold on to your answers, and you can verify them later!  Learn what the feature-positive effect is, how it can lead you astray, and how to avoid it in your life. Understanding the Feature-Positive Effect The feature-positive effect is a phenomenon where … Read more

Zeigarnik Effect – (And The Binge-Watching)

Have you ever been stuck in an unfinished task spiral?  Do the unfinished tasks keep nagging you better than the completed ones?  Ever feel like you can’t get something off your mind until it’s finished? Welcome to the club of Zeigarnik Effect sufferers! The Zeigarnik Effect is a cognitive bias that can be used to … Read more