Salience Effect (And The Main Cause Of Road Accidents!)

The  Headline in a local newspaper reads: What Are The Dangers Of Potholes To Humans? Etc, etc., Is the news true? Are potholes the sole reason for accidents? Have you wondered which bias plays on your susceptibility and grabs your attention? Learn about the cognitive bias known as the salience effect. Discover who typically falls … Read more

Default Effect -Do You Choose Your Preference?

Why do we always choose the same old thing, even when other options that might be better are available? We’re stuck in a rut and can’t break free. Do you belong to the group that prefers to remain with the current option or status quo? Although diversity is considered the zest of life, we sometimes … Read more

False-Consensus Effect – (And The Fear Of Dogs) 

Are you one among those who like to believe that everyone around you is somehow kindred in opinion and homogenous in thought?  How many of your friends agree with your opinions and beliefs about politics?  Are you also a fan of the new movie song, which has become popular and is being shared on social … Read more

Primacy And Recency Effects- Did You Get Everything On the List?

We all have limited time, energy, and attention spans. Our decisions often get influenced by specific contexts—like the flashing ‘Buy Now!’ ads during an online shopping experience. Which usually coaxes us to just   When sifting through reviews and feedback, how do you decide which option to choose when primacy and recency bias come into … Read more

Sleeper Effect- So Don’t Cry Wolf! 

Do you believe all the forwards you receive on social media? In today’s world of 24-hour news cycles, how do you differentiate the fake from the real? When the propaganda lingers long after its purpose has been served, we see even the false sticks around in our minds, right?  And often, lies can sneak up … Read more

Forer Effect – And Accuracy of Personality Tests

The very fact that you are reading our blog reveals to us the kind of student you are or were back in college. Our analysis says, “You are a hardworking and dedicated student who strives for success. You have moments of stress and worry, but you always manage to push through and overcome any obstacles … Read more

Halo Effect- (Appearances Can Be Deceptive)

People often form their opinions about others based on a single trait or characteristic. Do you understand how insignificant-seeming decisions about people, products, or culture can impact our judgment unexpectedly? Are you susceptible to forming incorrect impressions? So now, do you feel clouded by biases whenever you meet someone, make big purchases, or even life-altering … Read more

Overconfidence Effect

Confidence is key, they say. But what if you were told that too much confidence could actually be your downfall? A fairly healthy friend pushes too hard during exercise and sometimes ignores warning signs of illness or injury. Isn’t compulsive exercising risky? Or is it the only route to being fit and healthy? Maybe it … Read more

Fallacy Of The Single Cause- And The Three Blindmen

From politics to personal relationships, we often try to boil complex situations down to one root cause. In our quest for answers, it’s tempting to latch onto one explanation and ignore everything else. Is it not? We all want to understand why things happen, and if things dont turn out the way we want, we … Read more