Social Comparison Bias (Don’t Judge By The Feathers)

Don’t we all have this habit of comparing ourselves to others? Have you tried to imitate those often in the choicest branded clothes and have an air of superiority? Social norms can impact how we perceive ourselves and our worth. Isn’t the grass always greener on the other side? Have you heard about the crane … Read more

Information Bias- How To Choose The Best Food Processor

Are you ready to put your smarts to the test? “Considering a hard-hitting lesson that makes you question whenever you want to decide”. Be it the supermarket checkout line or how much stock market advice you receive. Isn’t it? You might be experiencing information bias that can completely undermine your flawed perceptions of reality. In this … Read more

Contagion Bias – Does The Colour Really Matter?

Do you think irrationality spreads faster than germs? Humans are wired to imitate, whether yawning or feeling fearful, in a crowded room. We often catch emotions just like we catch colds without even realizing it. And you are constantly driven to check news updates and social media for the latest information or any other major … Read more

Association Bias – Tale Of The Carrot And Wagging Tail

Do you believe you fall sick when you eat melons for breakfast or when you see a black cat? Does buying the ticket on Saturdays win you the lottery? Or Meeting a lucky acquaintance in the elevator gets you an increment! Sometimes our minds can be convinced that two unrelated things are actually connected. Well, … Read more

Self-Serving Bias – Art of Pointing Your Fingers 

Ever make decisions without evaluating the pros and cons? Looking for an excuse to justify why things never seem to go your way?  Well, this attempt to justify actions and beliefs as objectively correct, even if it is illogical and lacks evidence, is not healthy. You are definitely falling into the self-serving bias trap!  Learn … Read more

Hindsight Bias (Predictions Vs Reality)

Don’t we often regret what we have and have not done? What if, instead of looking back at the past all the time, we took a peek at the future? Would it be easy to make the wrong decisions now but try to correct them at a later stage? For all our doubts, let’s know … Read more

Omission Bias –  Can Smoking Be Bliss?

Is Edmund Burke’s statement – “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” justifiable? Do you think women should fight for equal pay at workplaces or just keep mum about it? Passive Smoking or Smoking, which is more injurious? Do both have the same negative health consequences? … Read more

Action Bias (Catches Win Matches)

We all know every action comes with an equal and opposite reaction, so would it be wise or unwise to evaluate our options and understand why we’re making a decision?  When you take action, you never know what you’ll find! Unless you’re too scared to look or already know the outcome, isn’t it? Should we … Read more

Liking Bias -Is It Fascination with Favoritism?

We all have our favorites dont we? In the movies, sports, politics, work, and home too! When do you think the line between love and logic begins to fade? Is it loyalty or favoritism that forces us to make a choice? Or does nepotism take over meritocracy? When will this happen? It is when the … Read more