Outcome Bias -All’s Well That Ends Well?

Do you believe in Fluke outcomes? The investment that everyone told you would fail and be unprofitable proved to be the best thing that happened to you! Can a positive result always suggest that the decision was sound? And does a negative outcome indicate that the choice was wrong? Outcome bias is a cognitive bias … Read more

Story Bias (Story Behind The StoryTelling)  

Do we fellow humans connect emotionally through stories? Our desire for stories can distort our view of reality as we seek answers from pre-existing stories, myths, and fairy tales! Isn’t it? You all must have definitely experienced story bias. In this article, get an understanding of the story bias, how it affects our everyday lives, … Read more

Availability Bias (News Isn’t Always What It Seems)

Have you ever considered how much your environment and upbringing may influence your thought processes? Are you a frog in the well? Feel at ease with your habitat and try to reject anything new and different. Could this always be true?  Would you be fooled by a psychological phenomenon that makes you think that whatever … Read more

Authority Bias (Don’t Believe The Expert Blindly)

It’s human nature to trust those in positions of power and authority, but what happens when that trust leads us down the wrong path? Are experts always right, and we must always rely on their suggestions? There’s a reason why ‘because I said so’ has been a tactic of the ruling class for generations – … Read more

Survivorship Bias (The Unsuccessful Experiment Counts More)

Do you find motivational talks overwhelming? Like movies with only happy endings? Does your selective memory block the times you lost? Is losing really a bad thing? Understand the reality behind the ignored failures and glorified successes? So, let’s pull away the curtains of false perception and dive into uncovering survivorship bias. Survivorship bias is … Read more

Reciprocity Bias – Vote For Freebies?

Ever wondered why certain people are held to a different standard than the rest of us? Why would you be willing to do favors for others with the expectation that they should return your favor? Invariably we are in the grips of society’s most pervasive yet least understood force – Reciprocity! Reciprocity is the tendency … Read more

Confirmation Bias (The Tea Vs Coffee Verdict)

Do you ever find that no matter how hard you try to be open-minded and objective, your views could still be one-sided in the end? Try calling a friend several times, and you do not receive a reply; your mind easily jumps to conclusions. Is your friend ghosting you? Could it be a lost phone … Read more