Groupthink – Should You Get Peer Pressured?

Why do we often assume it must be right because everyone else agrees? Why do we sometimes value consensus? Can’t we be rebellious?  Have you ever made a decision just because you didn’t want to go against traditions? In this blog post, let’s learn what “Groupthink” is – and how you can use your personal … Read more

Social Loafing (And The Tug Of War!)

Have you ever been part of a team project and felt like some members were not pulling their weight, or you yourself weren’t giving it your full strength? Are you aware of how it affects your own behavior in collaborative settings? Wouldn’t this hinder group productivity and morale? But how you can fight against this … Read more

Cherry-Picking -Winning The Argument Or Intellectual Honesty?

Have you ever noticed that some people only present evidence supporting their argument while ignoring anything contradicting it? Shopped online and found only good reviews of a product posted by the retailer?  It is common for humans to choose the information that reinforces their position selectively, but does this distort reality? Well, then, most of … Read more