Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance

Ever wonder why you convince yourself that eating a whole pizza in one sitting is a good idea, even though you know it’s not? Or

Wondered if it was a blessing in disguise you dint crack the entrance exams …Or 

Convinced yourself if it is alright not to be an early riser and follow a fitness regime?

Well, this mental gymnastics of simultaneously trying to hold two completely opposing beliefs is not new; it is the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance.

Learn what Cognitive Dissonance is, which cognitive biases make us vulnerable to it, and how you can protect yourself against this bias in your own life.

Understanding The “Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a term used in psychology to describe the uncomfortable feeling we experience when our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are at odds with one another. 

Consider the act of smoking: the ultimate internal showdown. Your brain is stuck in a mental battle between what you know is true (smoking = bad) and what you actually do (lighting a cigarette). And let’s be honest; your brain is equally stubborn and rebellious. So, how does it resolve this inner turmoil? 

Through wily tactics, of course. “I only smoke socially” or “Smoking isn’t bad for you” becomes your new mantra. Or maybe you avoid social situations altogether to dodge the temptation. This often self-deception is where cognitive dissonance theory comes into play.

Ah, the struggle of having conflicting beliefs and behavior. And let’s be honest; it is uncomfortable. But hey! There are ways to combat this cognitive dissonance. Avoidance may work for some, but others might benefit from sticking to their values and living them out daily. And for those still feeling uneasy, don’t be afraid to seek out a therapist. It’s time to banish that discomfort and live in harmony with yourself.

Exploited and Exploiters

Typical victims of cognitive dissonance are people who feel stuck in a situation when two or more values, beliefs, and behaviors are at odds with one another. This often happens when someone else has more power or authority over them than they do, whether it’s a parent, teacher, boss, or another figure of authority.

People who take advantage of cognitive dissonance are usually persuasive and manipulative individuals who can exploit their target’s inner conflicts to get what they want.

Examples include those skilled in sales and marketing, political campaigners, and even those in high-pressure situations like hostage negotiations. By understanding how cognitive dissonance works and manipulating its effects, these individuals can better influence the behavior of others.

Day-To-Day Cognitive Dissonance

  • The compulsive shopper purchases items at the same time regretting their choices.
  • The politician who calls for reducing taxes while also pushing for new public investments.
  • The dieter orders a salad for dinner but proceeds to eat a sumptuous dessert in the end!
  • The person who rationalizes their actions despite being aware that what they’re doing is wrong or harmful in some way.

Recognizing When You Are Slipping Into The Cognitive Dissonance Trap

Cognitive dissonance can be identified by noticing discomfort, anxiety, or confusion due to conflicting thoughts, beliefs, values, or behaviors. These feelings often occur when there is an inconsistency between our desires and our actions, such as when we want to do something that goes against our values.

Other signs may include attempts to rationalize the conflicting ideas or behaviors to reduce the dissonance. Therefore, it’s important to recognize and explore these emotions to manage cognitive dissonance and make sound decisions.

Overcoming The Cognitive Dissonance

Acknowledge the conflict

Acknowledge the conflicting ideas or values causing cognitive dissonance and identify them.

Recognize Your Emotions

Take a step back and recognize how you’re feeling before taking action to resolve it.

Analyze your values

Examine your values and beliefs, then decide which ones should stay, go, or be modified for you to survive this trap.

Understand the source of dissonance.

Identify the source of cognitive dissonance to understand what is causing it clearly.

Talk it out

Speak with someone else to get a different perspective on the situation and gain insights on how they would handle it instead of you.

Reframe your thinking

Reframe your thinking by looking at the problem in a new way which will help you better understand it and develop a more informed solution/action plan.

Make a decision

Evaluate all your options, consider the consequences of each choice, and make an informed decision that resonates most with your values and beliefs; if needed, start small and adjust to figure out what suits you the best.

Final Thoughts

A passionate dancer, Lata had always dreamed of joining the prestigious dance academy. She had dedicated her life to honing her skills and was proud of her accomplishments so far. However, during the annual cultural competition, Lata competed fiercely with some of the most talented dancers.

She couldn’t secure a spot at the academy despite her relentless efforts. Feeling disheartened and humiliated, Lata resorted to venting her frustrations, expressing how unfair it all seemed. She criticized the condition of the dancing stage! And that it was not comfortable at all!  

She also voiced concerns about losing her artistic freedom if she were selected, fearing that everything would revolve around the academy’s desires rather than her own. While these statements held some truth, many considered them harsh. 

Once Lata’s teacher learned about her behavior, he took her to task for speaking ill of the dance school. A place meant to provide positive opportunities for young dancers like herself. He reminded her that even in the face of disappointment, she should never lose hope and should continue to strive towards her goals with unwavering determination.

In the above story, cognitive dissonance is evident as Lata experiences psychological stress and discomfort due to conflicting beliefs and desires. She even goes on to blame the stage setup for not performing well.


Reducing cognitive dissonance requires time and effort, involving self-reflection and personal growth. Stay true to yourself and minimize cognitive dissonance by being mindful, clarifying beliefs, seeking information, and creating a plan for change.

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The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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