Deformation Professionnelle

Deformation Professionnelle

Once upon a time, a bunch of friends embarked on an epic adventure. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn. As they made their way, fate intervened in the form of a frustrating road jam caused by a dreadful accident.

Now, each of these friends had a unique profession, and they couldn’t help but put their analytical minds to work.

With a keen eye for infrastructure, the civil engineer pointed out that the shoddy road construction was to blame for the chaos.

On the other hand, the mechanical engineer swiftly identified the possibility of vehicle maintenance issues or brake failure as the culprit.

Meanwhile, the doctor among them, always observant, diagnosed that the person behind the wheel may have been grappling with some medical condition.

The astute lawyer in the group recognized a potential legal case brewing from this unfortunate incident.

And amidst the discussions, one friend simply shook his head and whispered, “It’s just one of those ill-fated moments.”

Coming to think of it, which of the above could have been the actual reason?

Ready? Let’s go!

Understanding the basics of cognitive bias and professional deformation is crucial in recognizing how these biases can impact our decision-making in everyday life. 

Understanding the “Deformation Professionelle”

“Deformation Professionnelle” refers to the cognitive tendency of perceiving things primarily through the lens of one’s profession or specialized knowledge rather than adopting a more holistic or empathetic viewpoint.

According to Alexis Carrel, a Nobel laureate, every specialist tends to believe they have a comprehensive understanding of the entire human being. However, their knowledge is limited to a small portion of the whole.

So, when people become so focused on their specific area of expertise, they need help to think or consider things outside of their field.

It would seem odd to seek advice on house design from a doctor or consult a lawyer about one’s health condition because their expertise lies in their specific domains. While they may possess some general knowledge about other subjects, would it be right to take their advice seriously? 

Also, when seeking assistance from an expert, don’t anticipate a magic wand that conjures the perfect solution! Instead, brace yourself for a bespoke remedy crafted with the expert’s unique blend of wisdom and abilities.

Remember that their approach is like a trusty screwdriver or spanner set, with solutions set to unscrew each type of screw or nut using the toolset available.

Exploited and Exploiters

“Deformation Professionnelle” can affect individuals with extensive experience in a particular field. It is a cognitive bias that arises from their deep knowledge and expertise. However, it can lead to a narrow perspective and a tendency to overlook alternative solutions.

It is important to note that anyone can potentially exploit this bias, not just individuals subject to it. Exploitation can occur when an individual manipulates another person’s professional deformation, capitalizing on their narrow perspective for personal benefit.

Day-To-Day Deformation Professionelle

  • A teacher won’t accept any student’s answers that don’t agree with their own, even though they could be correct.
  • An engineer who stubbornly rejects alternative solutions to a problem, exclusively favoring his own ideas.
  • A data analyst who discounts the opinions of others when making decisions based on market research.
  • A manager who refuses to consider any employee input when making strategic business decisions other than his own.
  • A knowledgeable individual in a specific domain who is deeply rooted in their beliefs to the extent of disregarding evidence that contradicts their perspective.

Recognizing When You Are Slipping Into The Deformation Professionelle Trap

Signs that you may be falling into the trap of “Deformation Professionnelle” (in cognitive biases) include:

  1. Ignoring evidence or opinions that don’t fit with your preconceived notions.
  2. Believing that your methods are the only way to get things done, even though other options might produce better results.
  3. Being quick to dismiss or discredit ideas from others, even when those ideas could benefit the organization or project.
  4. Being unwilling to consider alternative solutions or strategies, even if they might work better than yours.
  5. Feeling a sense of superiority over others and believing that your way is always right.

Overcoming The Deformation Professionnelle

It can be challenging to overcome the “Deformation Professionnelle” bias, but there are strategies to broaden perspectives and mitigate its impact.

Here are some ways to overcome the “Deformation Professionnelle” bias:

  1. Embrace interdisciplinary learning: Actively seek out knowledge and perspectives from different fields. Engaging with diverse disciplines can provide fresh insights and challenge preconceived notions.
  2. Cultivate a growth mindset: Recognize that expertise is not fixed and that there is always room for learning and improvement. Adopting a growth mindset allows for open-mindedness and a willingness to expand one’s knowledge beyond one’s specific area of expertise.
  3. Seek feedback and alternative viewpoints: Encourage feedback from colleagues, peers, and experts in other fields. It is valuable to actively seek out diverse opinions and perspectives to enhance our understanding of a subject, enabling a more comprehensive comprehension.
  4. Practice active listening: Be attentive and open to different ideas and perspectives. Engage in meaningful conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, actively listening and participating in fostering a deeper understanding.
  5. Engage in continuous learning: Stay updated with the latest research and developments in your field and related disciplines. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to broaden your knowledge and expose yourself to new ideas.
  6. Foster collaboration and teamwork: Working together on projects with people from different backgrounds can help break down barriers and encourage us to think in unique and different ways.
  7. Challenge assumptions and biases: Reflect on your own biases and assumptions that may arise from professional deformation. Actively challenge these biases to foster a more holistic and inclusive perspective.
  8. Encourage diversity in decision-making: Embrace diversity in teams and decision-making processes to ensure a variety of perspectives are considered. This can minimize the impact of professional deformation and promote well-rounded decision-making.

Remember, overcoming the “Deformation Professionnelle” bias requires conscious effort and a commitment to lifelong learning. By actively seeking diverse perspectives and challenging our biases, we can strive for a more comprehensive understanding of the world around us.

Final Thoughts

Coming back to our story 

As the friends pondered over the multiple perspectives, they couldn’t help but marvel at how a single event could be seen through such diverse lenses. It was a reminder that life is a mosaic of circumstances.Where professionals unravel the different pieces to figure out solutions.

So, who was right? Well, not a single one of them! Or all of them? 

Charlie Munger cleverly coined the term “man with the hammer tendency,” which warns against the dangers of relying on a single approach in life. But, having this mindset can hinder our success and sense of fulfillment. In order to truly thrive, we must wholeheartedly embrace a wide range of knowledge and perspectives.

While striving to be a “Jack of all trades” may be tempting, lacking mastery in any particular field can limit our ability to provide deep insights or excel in specialized tasks.

In the wise words of Mark Twain, he once said, “If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems will be nails.” The world’s wisdom cannot be confined to a single specialized field!

Instead, let’s embrace diversity in our thinking, learning from different realms of knowledge. By doing so, we unlock a world of limitless possibilities and open ourselves up to new perspectives and opportunities.

So, rather than settling for a narrow focus, let’s expand our horizons and explore the vast tapestry of human understanding.


The professional deformation phenomenon can greatly impact individuals within their respective fields. By acknowledging and actively challenging our biases, we can foster a culture of open-mindedness, collaboration, and continuous learning. 

Embracing diverse perspectives and cultivating a multidisciplinary approach is essential for personal growth and advancing our professions in an ever-evolving world. For interesting articles on cognitive bias, do subscribe to our blog posts.


The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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