Expectations (A Cautionary Tale of Online Shopping)


Do you often put too much pressure on yourself with unrealistic standards and then feel disappointed when those dreams don’t come true? 

We all feel disappointed when reality doesn’t meet our hopes. But your expectations keep preventing you from achieving success. 

Well, the line between optimism and expectation can be fine, and all need to know where that line is.

In this blog post, we’ll learn “Expectations” and how to free ourselves from their harsh rule. We’re going on an adventure into the unknown, so put your rebel hat on, and let’s get started!

Understanding the “Expectations

“Expectations” refer to our belief that something will occur in a particular manner or yield a specific outcome based on pre-existing assumptions. This mental inclination can lead us astray by coloring our perception of reality and causing us to overlook alternative possibilities. It is crucial to be aware of your expectations and strive to view situations with an open mind, free from any preconceived notions.

Imagine a doctor couple who have dedicated their lives to medicine and hoped their children would carry on the legacy. They have given their all to provide their children with the best education and guidance, but what if one of them wants to explore other avenues? What if they have a passion for something completely unrelated to medicine and feel compelled to pursue it? 

The pressure of familial expectations can lead to a life of dissatisfaction and missed opportunities, ultimately leading to regret. It takes courage to pursue one’s dreams, even if it means breaking away from tradition. Moreover, expectations can lead to disappointment or a loss of motivation in a child who may feel they have failed to meet their parents’ expectations.

Should we not respect each individual’s uniqueness and appreciate it? Maybe allowing children to pursue their true interests, unexpected talents, and skills may emerge. This approach leads to a more satisfying outcome for both parent and child rather than forcing their expectations onto their children. After all, expectations are just thoughts, and they do not always reflect reality.

Exploited And Exploiters

People overly invested in achieving a predetermined outcome or result are most susceptible to the cognitive bias of “Expectations.” They may overestimate their likelihood of success or underestimate the necessary effort required to achieve their goal.

Unfortunately, when their anticipated outcome does not come to fruition, it can lead to disappointment and disillusionment. It is, therefore, important to remain objective and open-minded toward alternative possibilities rather than becoming fixated on a specific outcome.

Individuals who exploit the cognitive bias of “Expectations” can range from companies that use manipulative marketing strategies to influence consumer behavior to those who manipulate relationships for their benefit. Recognizing that expectations can be employed as a tool by those with malicious intentions is crucial. Therefore, we must be conscious of our expectations and how others might leverage them against us. By being aware of this, we can guard ourselves against manipulation and make more informed decisions in our personal and professional lives.

Day To Day Expectations

  • A company assumes that its new product will sell well based on its internal enthusiasm, leading to overproduction of inventory and resulting in unsold items.
  • Individuals assume they will be promoted due to their perceived value rather than objectively evaluating their performance and accomplishments.
  • A sports team expects to win a game based on their past success or reputation, leading to underestimating their opponents and losing.
  • A person assumes that a romantic partner will behave in a certain way due to perceived shared interests and values rather than objectively observing their actions and behavior.
  • An individual assumes their research will have a certain outcome based on the evidence gathered rather than objectively evaluating and testing the hypothesis.

Recognizing When You Are Slipping Into The Expectations Trap

One way to identify if you are falling into the trap of expectations in cognitive biases is to take a moment to assess your current situation.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the expected outcome?
  • Are my expectations realistic and achievable?
  • What would be the consequences of not achieving those expectations?

If the answer to these questions is unclear, then it may be wise to take a step back and reevaluate. Also, keeping track of your progress toward goals can help you remain aware of any unexpected changes or obstacles that could lead to failure.

Overcoming The Expectations

  • Understand that expectations are subjective and relative.
  • Acknowledge the power of uncertainty and ambiguity.
  • Embrace realistic optimism while avoiding unrealistic perfectionism.
  • Recognize that not all outcomes can be predicted or controlled.
  • Stop trying to meet everyone’s expectations at once.
  • Practice self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness when it comes to unmet expectations.
  • Make peace with the fact that things may not always turn out as expected, but that does not mean it is the end.

Final Thoughts

Have you ever hyped up a product in your mind, only to receive a disappointing reality check once it arrived? Well, my friend experienced just that when she ordered a massager online. She was eager to alleviate her body aches. And !! she was disappointed when the tiny gadget that arrived looked nothing like the fancy image she had envisioned.

Her overactive imagination had set her up for a major disappointment; the reality was that her new massager was ineffective at providing the relief she had hoped for. This situation is not uncommon, and unfortunately, it can result in disappointment and even frustration. When we become fixated on a particular outcome or idea, we set ourselves up for failure if reality does not match our expectations. 

So the moral of this story is: Manage your expectations. It’s important to be mindful of our expectations and strive to view situations objectively rather than letting our imaginations run wild. By doing so, we can avoid undue disappointment and make more informed decisions in the future.

Buying a massager that doesn’t work was a letdown, but looking back, my friend has learned to approach these situations with more realism rather than relying solely on her great expectations. So, if you enjoyed this blog post, subscribe to our newsletter; hopefully, we will match your expectations!


The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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