The Black Swan (And How We Survived The Pandemic)

The Black Swan

Are you ready for a wild ride into uncertainty?

Did you know that the notion of a “black swan” can shake the foundation of any belief system?

It dates back to the 2nd-century Roman poet Juvenal. It relates to the idea that a rare occurrence can turn your belief system upside down.

This concept of uncertainty invites us to open our minds and consider how the world can be different from what we think. Now, that’s a thought to ponder!

In 1697, a group of Dutch explorers discovered the existence of black swans in Australia, proving that even the most impossible-seeming notion could be true. This inspired John Stuart Mill to popularise the concept as the “black swan logical fallacy.”

This phenomenon calls into question our convictions, encouraging us to stay open-minded about life’s possibilities.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his thrilling page-turners, Fooled By Randomness (2001) and The Black Swan (2007). It dives into a remarkable concept that paints a vivid picture of monumental scientific breakthroughs, history-shaping incidents, and awe-inspiring artistic masterpieces

He talks about elusive, unforeseeable events that mold the contours of our reality, igniting phenomena like the Internet, the personal computer, and the terror attacks on September 11. 

So let us know more about black swan… 

In this blog post, we’ll uncover what “The Black Swan” means and how to survive it, whether it drags you into unknown territories or turns your life upside down! So buckle up – there are surprises ahead!

Understanding “The Black Swan”

“The Black Swan” is a term used to describe an unpredictable event that has severe consequences. You can imagine possibilities that swoop in like a bolt from the blue, defying all predictions and shattering norms.

These enigmatic, high-impact occurrences dazzle us with their unpredictability, leaving behind a trail of awe as we scramble to understand their mysterious emergence.

However, in recent years the concept has been adopted to refer to unexpected events with immense and far-reaching effects, usually rooted in human behavior or society. These can range from technological breakthroughs to political uprisings and revolutions.

Despite being incredibly difficult to predict, such occurrences have the potential for great disruption, making it important for people to remain aware of the potential for black swan events to be prepared if one should occur.

At the same time, some of these unlikely events can greatly impact society and revolutionize our way of life.

Exploited And Exploiters 

Typical victims of “The Black Swan” are individuals whose unexpected events and the actions of others have blindsided them.

Those who take advantage of the unpredictability of these events are usually those with a more sophisticated understanding of human behavior and the potential consequences of an unpredictable event.

This often includes larger corporations, governments, and other powerful entities that can capitalize on a black swan event to their advantage.

Day-To-Day The Black Swan

  • A stock that suddenly quadruples in price due to a new product launch.
  • An obscure song became an unexpected hit due to social media buzz.
  • A sudden economic downturn is caused by political upheaval or global events.
  • A small business unexpectedly skyrocketed due to a viral video campaign.
  • Unforeseen natural disasters like floods or earthquakes can cause tremendous damage and loss of life.

Recognizing When You Are Slipping Into The Black Swan Trap 

  • Recognize when you are over-emphasizing the potential rewards associated with rare events, as this could lead to taking on too much risk.
  • It is important to be mindful of the potential for unexpected occurrences that could disrupt existing systems and render prior beliefs obsolete.
  • Consider many possible outcomes in your decision-making, even those that may seem unlikely or too far-fetched at first.
  • Keep an open mind and be willing to adjust your plans based on new information or changing circumstances.
  • Utilise data analysis and other quantitative methods to help assess the probability of different outcomes and identify hidden risks or ‘black swans’ before they become an issue.

Overcoming The Black Swan

  • Please educate yourself about cognitive biases and recognize their effects on decision-making. 
  • Before jumping in, take the time to research any potential opportunity from multiple sources thoroughly. 
  • Consider the risks and challenges associated with any situation to avoid being surprised by them later. 
  • Diversify your investments – do not place all bets on one outcome, leaving you vulnerable to losses if it fails to materialize.
  • Develop a strategy that considers all scenarios so that you can make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty or surprise events.
  • Monitor the markets and stay up-to-date with current events to anticipate sudden changes or events that could affect your investments.
  • Have realistic expectations; understand that even if an investment is profitable, there are no guarantees it will remain so perpetually.

Final Thoughts

A sudden, unpredictable storm shook the world – the arrival of COVID-19. This black swan event, an unforeseen catastrophe, sent ripples through the very fabric of our existence, slicing through systems, economies, and the essence of human connection. Yet, it brought to light our ability to adapt and evolve in chaos. 

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a wide range of disruptions across various aspects of society, right from the global economy, supply chain, businesses, health care, mental health, and also societal disruption. But didn’t we human race learn to deal with it?

By embracing boundary-breaking strategies, like social distancing, lockdowns, and contact tracing, societies worldwide took control of the narrative. As virtual classrooms and transparent information paved the way, we emerged poised, ready to face whatever new specters the future may hold.

So be prepared! For anything and everything! Learn how to survive it: no matter what, it drags you into unknown territories or turns your life upside down!


By understanding the implications of the black swan event, we can be better prepared for when they occur – whether they impact us personally or globally. 

So next time something unexpected happens, take a deep breath… and remember that you’ve got this! Then, subscribe to our newsletter.


The above article is based on the book Thinking Clearly; this article is here to help us learn and understand how our minds can be tricked by something called cognitive biases.

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